ANTHROPOCENE: The Human Epoch theanthropocene.org
Feature length documentary produced by Mercury Films, created by Jennifer Baichwal (director) Nicolas de Pencier (producer) and Edward Burtynsky. World premiere at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), September 6, 2018. Premiere at Sundance Film Festival, January 25, 2019
Year of the Gun Year of The Gun
One hour documentary for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), main network, produced by Parabellum Films, directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast Date: March 8, 2019

Feature documentary produced by Take Action Films, directed by Andrew Nisker. Premiere date: October 14, 2020, Planet in Focus film festival. Broadcast date: May 16, 2021, CBC Documentary Channel

Transforming Gender
One hour documentary score for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) main network. Produced by Mad Hive Media; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast date: 2015
Life After Digital
One hour documentary score for TVO. Producer: Mad Hive Media; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast Date: August 27, 2015
How We Got Gay
One hour documentary score for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation main network
Produced by Mad Hive Media Group; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast date: November 28, 2013
Why Men Cheat
One hour documentary score for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation main network and LOGO network (US)
Produced by Shaftesbury Films; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast date: January 24, 2013
Who’s Sorry Now?
One hour documentary score for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation main network
Produced by Shaftesbury Films; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast date: February 2012
End of Men
One hour documentary score for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation main network
Produced by Frantic Films; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast date February 3, 2011
Surviving the Future
One hour documentary electronic score for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation main network
Produced by Frantic Films; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast date October 21, 2010
The Disappearing Male
One hour documentary electronic score for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation main network
Produced by Red Apple Entertainment; directed by Marc de Guerre. Broadcast: December 2008